
Blue Tick Accredited

Ensure Your Water Meters Are Accurate and Compliant

Accurate water measurement is essential for effective water management and regulatory compliance. With Think Water Hawkes Bay, you can ensure your water meters are verified to meet New Zealand’s stringent standards. We are ‘Blue Tick’ accredited by Irrigation New Zealand.

Why Water Meter Verification Matters:

  • Accuracy: Verifies water meters to be within +/- 5% accuracy.
  • Compliance: Meets national standards with a calculated uncertainty of less than 3%.
  • Efficiency: Properly calibrated meters help avoid over-irrigation and water wastage.

Benefits of Regular Verification:

  • Reliable data for irrigation and water allocation
  • Enhanced productivity and sustainable water use
  • Confidence in regulatory compliance

Verification Frequency:

Consenting authorities require water meters to be verified every 5 years for most types, including mechanical, mag-flow, and ultrasonic meters.

Our Services:

  • On-site meter verification
  • Compliance with RMA requirements
  • Comprehensive reports submitted to local councils

Contact Us:

Ensure your water meters are up to standard with Think Water Hawkes Bay. Contact us to learn more and schedule your verification today.

Get in touch

Give us a call or fill out this short contact from below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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