Water Filtration in New Zealand has gone through various stages of popularity in response to market demand and for many years water treatment and water filtration has occurred largely in agriculture, horticulture and rural settings. Over the last few years in New Zealand however, we have seen a surge in demand for household filtration systems. Here we look at some of the emerging technologies and trends in water filtration:
Water Filtration in Rural New Zealand Homes
Water treatment on rural properties in New Zealand is not a new phenomenon. Due to water scarcity and even before emerging filtration technologies, householders have been filtering water for use in the home and garden for decades. The most basic of these has been found in rainwater harvesting from the roof and rainwater storage in rainwater tanks. In the most basic systems water filters are used on the downpipe and in filter baskets at the entrance to the rainwater tank, filtering out contaminants such as leaves and bird droppings. This “filtered water” was then used for drinking, cooking and bathing. If there was any doubt about the water quality and safety for human consumption, the water was boiled to kill bacteria.
Emerging technologies in water filtration have allowed rural households to progress to more efficient water filtration methods that incorporate a range of approaches. The best water filtration systems for rural properties target sediment, bacteria and utilise Ultra Violet Filtration (UV) systems to sterilise the water and make it fit for human consumption.
Think Water in New Zealand supplies water filters from trusted suppliers such as Davey and Puretec. Your local Think Water store is happy to advise you on the best applications for these products.
Water Filtration in Urban New Zealand Homes
Understanding the rising popularity of water filtration in urban homes in New Zealand is a little more complex; after all town water is already treated and sanitised making it safe to drink. However, consumers have discovered there are actually different degrees of “safe!” Town water is piped to homes in New Zealand via a system of water pipes. These water pipes are usually made from metal due to their strength and durability which means the water pipes do not need to be replaced regularly. If the water is already treated when it arrives in our homes it begs the question,
“Why do you need to filter town water that has already been treated?”
There are many reasons for this with the two most common ones being taste and allergies. The taste of water can be altered significantly in the treatment process through the use of chemicals like chlorine or metals like aluminium. In the transport process, some old pipes contain lead, rust and even asbestos affecting both the taste and the water quality. Allergies to various chemicals and metals are quite common so removing them prior to consumption through water filtration is highly preferable to consumers.
Popular Types of Water Filters for Household Use
Think Water supplies a wide range of water filtration systems for domestic use in both above bench and under bench models. We also supply replacement filter cartridges for all brands we stock. It is possible to install your water filter very discreetly under the bench. It is also possible to install a mixer with a built-in waterspout.
A very popular filtration system is the Davey Microlene Aquashield Centurion 3-Stage UV Filtration . This water filtration system uses both filtration and purification. There are three stages to the filtration process where water passes through a 20 micron sediment filter, then a 1 micron filter and finally is treated by the UV filter.
Other brands of water filters include Puretec.
New products are emerging all the time so if you too are thinking a water filtration system is necessary for your home, our team at Think Water can help you design the system that most suits your needs and explain all the options available to you. We can also supply all the water filtration products you need, arrange installation and help you with ongoing service and support.
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